It’s easy to underestimate the effect that junk cars have on our environment. Although environmentalists are focused on combating global warming, a cloud of smog seems to be always hanging over large metropolitan areas, and some of that can be attributed to older and Junk Vehicles. First, older cars experience leaks in canisters and fluid […]
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March 19th, 2015
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October 24th, 2014
With more than 7 billion people living on our planet, almost all resources are getting less and less available. Gasoline and natural gas are only the tip of the iceberg. Even fresh water and metals are getting scarce. That is why the price for almost all resources, including energy is getting more expensive. During these […]
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August 15th, 2014
If you have given up on that old, broken down clunker and decided that it just isn’t worth investing any more money; or worse, your vehicle has been involved in an accident and is beyond repair, odds are that you are still trying to decide what to do with it. Unless you are a mechanic, […]